Autism Cares Website
Through the generosity of Wyndham Worldwide, the Pickle Foundation & Heather Nix of Washington Autism Speaks will select 160 individuals with autism to receive and Apple iPad 2!
Life on the Autism Spectrum can be WiLd, I try to capture my families experiences with Autism to create awareness, education & maybe make you laugh!! Please feel free to comment or email me at
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Hartz Blog Pet of the Week Post
This is the blog post I wrote for Hartz's Pet of the Week, which happens to be our spotted dog Astro & the Boy Wonder Noah!! Here is the link to the Hartz Blog:
Pet of the Week: Astro
February 29th, 2012 by Alex
This week’s Pet of the Week post comes from one the fans of the Hartz Facebook page, Cynthia Wynn-Brandon! Read her post about her spotted pup named Astro and his bond with her autistic son, Noah. If you’d like to learn more about her life with Noah, autism and of course, Astro, you can visit her blog: The Wild World of Autism.
“Hi, my name is Astro! That’s me and Noah in the picture. He’s my small person and we love to play together. I also help keep an eye on him while he’s outside because Noah has autism. Noah’s autism makes him act differently than other kids. Autism is a complex
neurological disorder that affects his communication, behavior and social interaction. Nobody “knows” how you get autism or what to do to stop it, but Autism Speaks is working on that. My big person (Noah’s Mom) volunteers for Autism Speaks. She was the chairperson for an Autism Speaks Memphis event
last year called Walk Now.

last year called Walk Now.
I couldn’t go to the walk last year because I am a little hyper like Noah. Noah and I are a lot alike. We love to run and run and run and run inside or out. We get in trouble sometimes for running in the house! We play chase ALL the time! I LOVE socks & shoes, I will grab a sock so Noah will chase me (he calls the sock his puppet). I usually get one shoe and take it to another room; you know, just to confuse my family. It’s funny to watch them run around looking for their shoes. I have been with my family since I was born. Comet, my mom, is their dog too. I am going to let my big person Cindy finish the post now, I need to go outside.
Astro and Noah have a unique relationship. A lot of kids with autism benefit from therapy dogs. Astro is no therapy dog, but he sure does love Noah! When Comet had the puppies, Noah was very curious about the small dogs. He was very upset when we gave the puppies to other families. Even though it has been two years, he still asks about them sometimes. Noah has a great memory. Children with autism (just like typical kids) have a strong suit, an area in which they excel.
Astro just turned
two last week. Astro came from Comet’s litter of seven pups. I always thought the runt was born last, but not in Astro’s case! When I went to bed that night there were six puppies. They were in pairs: two brown, two black and two white with brown and black spots. I woke up the next morning and there were seven puppies! The new one was huge and did not look anything like the others. It was Astro! We called him Big Boy then because he was double the size of the others. I always said that someone must have snuck in and put him there! He was pretty much white when he was born with a black ear and black eye. Gradually, more and more spots appeared! He is SUPER fast and can jump REALLY high.

Astro is a great dog. He’s very active and loves playing with both of my kids, Savannah and Noah. We are a “home school family” so the kids spend a lot of time with our dogs. It is really nice to have such a close relationship with our pets! We treat our pets like family, because they are. Our family is “different” because of autism. Remember autism affects each person and family differently. To learn more please visit April is Autism Awareness month, so please join the autism community in Lighting it up Blue!”
Re-Post of What Are M-E-L-T-D-O-W-N-S
* Massive
* Exasperated
* Loud
* Tiresome
* Destructive
* Oversensitive
* Worn out
* Noisy
* Spontaneous Cynthia
Facebook Page
Here is the link to the WiLd WoRld oF AuTism Facebook Page!!
WiLd-WoRld-oF-AuTism on Facebook
Check it out!!!
WiLd-WoRld-oF-AuTism on Facebook
Check it out!!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Talk about literal..
Tonight at dinner we are having fried catfish, fries & hush-puppies. Noah is eating his dinner, fries first, fish second, picked up the hush-puppy and said, "What's this?" Dad says, "Hush-puppy" Noah says, "this was a puppy?" He seemed VERY concerned. But he ate it, when we told him it was a ball of cornbread!
what is normal...
* Not my Family
* Over-rated
* Really
* Misguided
* Amusing
* Ludicrous
I was once told that NORMAL is a setting on the dryer!!! LOL
* Not my Family
* Over-rated
* Really
* Misguided
* Amusing
* Ludicrous
I was once told that NORMAL is a setting on the dryer!!! LOL
Monday, February 27, 2012
Hasn't been a week yet...
It's already a nightmare!!! We are at the point in the clinical trial where we are "coming off" the medicine. Hubby is still not convinced that he wasn't on the placebo. After the 30 minute meltdown at dinner because of seating issues. We were playing musical chairs at dinner. He is having sleep issues again, he got up at 5:30 am this morning AHHH. That's suppose to be my "quiet time" well not today. He has been difficult all morning, I wonder how he feels, he can't really tell me how he feels. I am just counting the days until March 22, 2012 that's when we go back to Vanderbilt and we can "for sure" get on the medicine. It helped him SO much in alot of different areas communication, behavior, interactions with others, eating new foods, reading I know that when we get on the medicine he is going to continue to excel.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
What are M-E-L-T-D-O-W-N-S???
* Massive
* Exasperated
* Loud
* Tiresome
* Destructive
* Oversensitive
* Worn out
* Noisy
* Spontaneous Cynthia
Saturday, February 25, 2012
The Fun has Already Started & Proud Moment
Well we went to Vanderbilt and it's time to come off the medicine OMG he is already starting some of the old behaviors already. After he got up this morning it was about 5 minutes later I hear him crying I get back upstairs to see what's wrong and he screams, hits me and says my DS turned off. Then he started crying again because I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me he got REALLY upset and started screaming at me. I guess this is the way it is going to be the next month this SUCKS! But knowing that after this month we can get on the medicine will hopefully help me get through it.
He has been a WILD CHILD today, surely this isn't what to expect for the next month. A have been like a crazy person today too, may be that's what wrong he is sensing that I am out of sync today. Other times he is the sweetest thing, come to me and tells me how much he loves me!!!
He has started to "lie" I can't believe it,(what a proud moment) he doesn't want me to throw anything away, so he got some paper plates out of the trash. I started to close it and noticed the plates were missing, i asked Noah if he has them, "No No I don't have them I didn't get them out of the trash." I told him what he was doing was lying and he looked puzzled, so I said you have to tell Mommy what you did that's called the truth. So he went and go them for me to throw away. I hope we don't end up on that TV show Hoarders LOL!!!!!
He has been a WILD CHILD today, surely this isn't what to expect for the next month. A have been like a crazy person today too, may be that's what wrong he is sensing that I am out of sync today. Other times he is the sweetest thing, come to me and tells me how much he loves me!!!
He has started to "lie" I can't believe it,(what a proud moment) he doesn't want me to throw anything away, so he got some paper plates out of the trash. I started to close it and noticed the plates were missing, i asked Noah if he has them, "No No I don't have them I didn't get them out of the trash." I told him what he was doing was lying and he looked puzzled, so I said you have to tell Mommy what you did that's called the truth. So he went and go them for me to throw away. I hope we don't end up on that TV show Hoarders LOL!!!!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Headed to Vanderbilt...
Dad is on his way home from work shortly and we are off to Vanderbilt!! Tomorrow is the appointment we start to come off the medicine AHHHH!!!! Of course we don't know if we are on the medicine, haha we know like I have said before too many POSITIVE changes not to be!!! This month will be coming off, when we return next month, I think we find out if we were on the medicine and we get to continue on or be put on the medicine. So the next four weeks will be definitely be the WILD WORLD OF AUTISM!!! I need lots of prayers and happy thoughts!!! And we are off hope the rain stay away for our journey!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Light Memphis Up Blue for Autism Awareness: Graceland Update
Light Memphis Up Blue for Autism Awareness: Graceland Update: It has been CONFIRMED Graceland will be Lighting it up BLUE in April for Autism Awareness!! Please thank them the same way we bombarded the...
Sunday, February 19, 2012
He said what??
At the dinner table last night, Savannah & Noah were "talking" about different colors, so Savannah asked Noah what's your favorite color?? Noah said. "Purple" (which we already knew) She then asked, "What's your second favorite color?" (I wasn't sure he understood what that meant) He thought for a second and then said, "Green." WOW!
I had to prompt him but he asked, "What's your favorite color?" Savannah said. "Blue." So I thought great job, then Noah blurted out, "What's your second favorite color?" AWESOME, no prompting an appropriate response no help!! I was SO PROUD of him & Savannah!!
I just feel that all success we have been experiencing lately is because of the "medicine" that we are on in the clinical trial. We go back this week and we come off the medicine gradually over the next month. I don't really know what to expect. I pray the behaviors we were experiencing BEFORE do not come back full force!! Praying daily about this!!
I had to prompt him but he asked, "What's your favorite color?" Savannah said. "Blue." So I thought great job, then Noah blurted out, "What's your second favorite color?" AWESOME, no prompting an appropriate response no help!! I was SO PROUD of him & Savannah!!
I just feel that all success we have been experiencing lately is because of the "medicine" that we are on in the clinical trial. We go back this week and we come off the medicine gradually over the next month. I don't really know what to expect. I pray the behaviors we were experiencing BEFORE do not come back full force!! Praying daily about this!!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Link to Transition Handbook
Here is the link to a transition handbook, it is from the ARC of Tennessee. You may find some of the information helpful.
Link to the Secondary Transition Handbook From School to Adulthood
Link to the Secondary Transition Handbook From School to Adulthood
The Boy & His Dog
This is Astro he is one of our dogs, therapy dog he is not. We have had him since he was born two years ago today. Here is Noah & Astro playing together in the back yard. I posted the pic on Hartz's Facebook page and they want to feature Astro as Pet of the Week on their blog, and I get to write a post about their relationship!! So another opportunity for Autism Awareness!! I will post the link when they do it should come out next Thursday!!!
Astro & Noah |
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Communicaton MUCH IMPROVED!!
Noah comes to mommy & says, "Did you get me the Gameboy Advance System that I asked you for??
Mommy, doesn't get to say a word.
Noah, " I can't believe you didn't get the Gameboy Advanced System for me"
Mommy still nothing.
Noah, "How am I supposed to play Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga without a Gameboy Advanced System?"
Then Mommy finally gets to laugh and say, "you can play it on your DS"
This is the kid who LOVES video games, he has researched all these old gaming systems and he wants them. Now I know you have tried "reasoning" with someone who has autism, sometimes that does not work. I tell him the DS is newer and better than the old systems. He has been shopping on Amazon AGAIN, he calls me over, he needs my code (which is my card) to buy these systems, he has several in his cart totaling over $400 NO CODE FOR YOU!!!
Mommy, doesn't get to say a word.
Noah, " I can't believe you didn't get the Gameboy Advanced System for me"
Mommy still nothing.
Noah, "How am I supposed to play Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga without a Gameboy Advanced System?"
Then Mommy finally gets to laugh and say, "you can play it on your DS"
This is the kid who LOVES video games, he has researched all these old gaming systems and he wants them. Now I know you have tried "reasoning" with someone who has autism, sometimes that does not work. I tell him the DS is newer and better than the old systems. He has been shopping on Amazon AGAIN, he calls me over, he needs my code (which is my card) to buy these systems, he has several in his cart totaling over $400 NO CODE FOR YOU!!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Autism Quirkiness (is that a word??) Toilet Troubles!!
Autism Quirkiness (is that a word??) I think I have made more of my own words (or
Noah words) since having been diagnosed with ASD. Explain this… He use to be OBSESSED with
toilet flushing, he would come in the bathroom and flush while you are still
using the toilet. Now he doesn’t want to
flush because he has to wait for the water to come back up. Go figure?? So he was in the bathroom with me
of course, I got done I flushed OMG you would have thought I had created the
cardinal sin. He was in hurry and I wasn’t
suppose to flush. He told me well its
not poop so we don’t have to flush. NO
NO NO, I don’t know where that came from. Gross, where does he come up with this stuff. He learned a new word on You Tube "boner" GREAT so he answers to phone yesterday and just keeps saying, "Boner, Boner, Boner," Over & Over it was his older step brother thank goodness, and the fact that he has speech difficulty, for once I was happy someone could not understand him!!! LOL
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Roses for Autism
Here is a brief description of what they do, grow, cut, package ALL DONE by individuals with Autism!!!
Today the Roses for Autism Program is making Pinchbeck’s prized roses available to the community once again. The only difference in the roses offered today is that they are grown, cut and packaged in an integrated community with individuals on the autism spectrum.
We have 16 varieties of full blooming beautiful fragrant roses, three varieties of lilies and multiple colors of Gerbera Daisies…all grown locally here in Connecticut, year round in our heated greenhouses.
Happy Valentines Day!!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
My Typical Child "Super Savannah"
Incredible things are happening in our house tonight, Savannah my 12 year old, is teaching her brother, we home school but for some reason he responds really well to her teaching him.
Sometimes I think I forget what an important part of the plan she is that God has for life as a family. Autism is a family centered disability; our "typical" kids/siblings are such an important piece of the puzzle. She needs an outlet to express herself she does it through drawing, hanging with her friends, watching movies, we go places together just she & I.
This past Saturday we went to the mall UGH I DO NOT like going to the mall, but we really needed to do something together, so we went. they were having "Chocolate Fantasy" at the mall we went to tickets were $18 that's about $18 over budget. We were headed to the Food Court an a lady stopped and asked us if we were leaving the mall. I told her we were headed to the Food Court, she worked for a local radio station and GAVE us 2 tickets to the Chocolate thing. COOL Right, WRONG Meme called Noah was having a mini- meltdown because he couldn't find me, I told him we were leaving for a little while, I guess in his opinion we were gone long enough. So I tell Savannah and she is SO understanding, she look a little disappointed, but we still had the Chocolate tickets, it was only 2pm & it ended at 5pm we don't live far from that mall. So we came home, pull up in driveway, Noah is on the porch swing by himself, Meme is behind the door watching him, Savannah opens her door and Noah comes to the car and said to me,"I was SO worried about you!"
I apologized and reminded him that I told him I was going with Savannah. SO I spent about an hour with Noah, Savannah & I loaded back up and headed to Chocolate land we had a great time. She is such a great kid, she loves her brother so much and looks out for him, do they fight? Yeah, their brother & sister. Do they get "sick" of each other? YES especially since they are home schooled. Time away from each other is a valued asset for them, however them being together all the time gives Savannah a little more insight to him, triggers, likes & dislikes. Our life is so crazy as it is, if I had the power would I change some things SURE I would. But God has given me this Special Family for a reason, and it was through Noah's autism diagnosis that I finally figured it out. Life is too short to not enjoy EVERY moment that we can. As parents of kids on the Spectrum we don't take ANYTHING for granted anymore. We take it as it comes and do the absolute
BEST that we can for our child. THANK YOU to our "typical" kids we couldn't do it without you!!
School/Play room is messy but it works for us!! |
Sometimes I think I forget what an important part of the plan she is that God has for life as a family. Autism is a family centered disability; our "typical" kids/siblings are such an important piece of the puzzle. She needs an outlet to express herself she does it through drawing, hanging with her friends, watching movies, we go places together just she & I.
This past Saturday we went to the mall UGH I DO NOT like going to the mall, but we really needed to do something together, so we went. they were having "Chocolate Fantasy" at the mall we went to tickets were $18 that's about $18 over budget. We were headed to the Food Court an a lady stopped and asked us if we were leaving the mall. I told her we were headed to the Food Court, she worked for a local radio station and GAVE us 2 tickets to the Chocolate thing. COOL Right, WRONG Meme called Noah was having a mini- meltdown because he couldn't find me, I told him we were leaving for a little while, I guess in his opinion we were gone long enough. So I tell Savannah and she is SO understanding, she look a little disappointed, but we still had the Chocolate tickets, it was only 2pm & it ended at 5pm we don't live far from that mall. So we came home, pull up in driveway, Noah is on the porch swing by himself, Meme is behind the door watching him, Savannah opens her door and Noah comes to the car and said to me,"I was SO worried about you!"
I apologized and reminded him that I told him I was going with Savannah. SO I spent about an hour with Noah, Savannah & I loaded back up and headed to Chocolate land we had a great time. She is such a great kid, she loves her brother so much and looks out for him, do they fight? Yeah, their brother & sister. Do they get "sick" of each other? YES especially since they are home schooled. Time away from each other is a valued asset for them, however them being together all the time gives Savannah a little more insight to him, triggers, likes & dislikes. Our life is so crazy as it is, if I had the power would I change some things SURE I would. But God has given me this Special Family for a reason, and it was through Noah's autism diagnosis that I finally figured it out. Life is too short to not enjoy EVERY moment that we can. As parents of kids on the Spectrum we don't take ANYTHING for granted anymore. We take it as it comes and do the absolute
BEST that we can for our child. THANK YOU to our "typical" kids we couldn't do it without you!!
A Moment I wanted to Last Forever
In my case as an autism mom I don't have many moments that I want to "last forever" unless it's the fact that he is sleeping!! Had one yesterday WOO HOO!! Noah & I went to the zoo yesterday, it was free afternoon at the Memphis zoo and it was packed, the weather has been unseasonably warm here. So we go look at animals we went into the Creatures of the Night, I didn't think we were ever going to know how the get obsessed with things, well it was BATS, yes flying rodents GROSS, we watched those bats for at LEAST 30 minutes Noah was fascinated with them.
So the zoo got new playground equipment, YEAH!! Noah wanted to go to the crowded playground so we did. He made a friend, did you get that HE MADE A FRIEND!!! Noah was just running and jumping, I am standing there on "pins & needles" just waiting to have to explain that he has autism to another parent that is usually giving us the eye in disapprovement, you know the parents I'm talking about. I didn't have to do that yesterday. A boy named Levi befriended Noah, and it was perfect. That little boy didn't notice that there was something "wrong" or he just didn't care either way Noah had such a GREAT time, Levi had a younger sister and they played tag and chase and follow the leader. I sat down on a bench and began to tear up; for a few moments in time it was like he was a "typical" child. I never wanted to leave yesterday I wanted to preserve this moment for as long as I could. It was beautiful=)
So the zoo got new playground equipment, YEAH!! Noah wanted to go to the crowded playground so we did. He made a friend, did you get that HE MADE A FRIEND!!! Noah was just running and jumping, I am standing there on "pins & needles" just waiting to have to explain that he has autism to another parent that is usually giving us the eye in disapprovement, you know the parents I'm talking about. I didn't have to do that yesterday. A boy named Levi befriended Noah, and it was perfect. That little boy didn't notice that there was something "wrong" or he just didn't care either way Noah had such a GREAT time, Levi had a younger sister and they played tag and chase and follow the leader. I sat down on a bench and began to tear up; for a few moments in time it was like he was a "typical" child. I never wanted to leave yesterday I wanted to preserve this moment for as long as I could. It was beautiful=)
bats friend,
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